A couple of weeks ago everyone at our office was buzzing about how cool Goog411 is, but the service isn't living up to the hype. The past few times I have tried call for a number it hasn't worked out. I keep getting an unprofessional sounding message where people in the back ground shout out random business names like "Roto-router" followed by the gentleman's voice saying "We are a little backed up, please call back. Talk to you soon". The sound quality of the message is very poor, and its really annoying to listen to the tinny distorted voices in the background.
This is not the level of quality we have come to expect from Google. I mean come on if I had the luxury of waiting to make the phone call I would have just looked the number up on the internet..duh!
If they don't put up more lines and a better recording system quickly I might be forced to try out Windows Live 411.....

1 comment:
I've used Goog411 multiple times and only had a problem with it once or twice. The problems I've run into were saying the numbers of the list of options. Soon I realized it was easier to push a number rather than saying it aloud. I really like the option of having the listing texted to your cell, and if you've got a fancy cell, an actual map. I found that Goog411 was easier to use than the LiveSearch411 because there are less steps involved and it connects you automatically, using the LiveSearch411 you have to actually say "connect". Google took this into account by assuming if you're calling 411 you would also want to be connected automatically. Not a surprise, Microsoft went the opposite way, hindering usability.
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