We all know that floor traffic is down, way down. With gas prices sky high and money getting tighter by the day people are less willing and less able to visit a variety of dealerships before they make a purchase. So the question is how do we get top quality leads into your dealership for less than traditional media costs? The answer is simple, Pay Per Click.
Friday, March 28, 2008
PPC Marketing - A Dealerships Answer Affordable Advertising
Posted by
10:04 PM
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Google Adwords Update -Slow Pages Will Hurt You
This week Google announced that they will be making a change to their quality score algorithm. If you are not running your own adwords campaign then call your ad agency and ask them to review and recommend changes to improve load times. Most auto dealers use a template designed to load quickly and are fine, but it never hurts to check.

Posted by
2:29 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Pagerank: Why are Dealerships Wasting Their Time?

Posted by
3:27 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Speak Your Mind At NADA
NADA is just days away and the excitement is building! Everyone I have talked to in the past few days is really excited about what will and won't be discussed/presented this year. So in the spirit of lighthearted NADA fun I offer this advice from my grammy (who probably "borrowed" it from some famous person) "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes". What does this have to do with NADA and your dealership?
Ask questions
Demand results
Don't fall for the hype, get documented proof
If there is something you want ask for it
Demand better delivery
Demand better, more personalized service
Demand solutions that fit your needs, don't bend to your providers mold
and most of all Talk, talk, talk, talk to your vendors and get to know them not only as represenatives of the companies but as people.
Now, go have fun and report back on all the cool things you see.
Posted by
8:16 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Reputation Management For Dealership - The Beginning
More and more dealerships are concerned with Reputation Management but the vast majority don't understand the difference between true Reputation Management and damage control. I am not a Reputation Management expert by any stretch of the imagination but this is what I have learned in months of research. I am sharing this in hopes that we can learn how to avoid disasters together. It's always more fun when we can learn together isn't it? If you want to read about this from an expert I highly recommend Andy Beal's new book (mine is on pre order).
Some SEO providers sell their reputation management services saying " for every negative post we find we will create 10 positive posts.". My fear is what they really mean is that they will go to wherever that negative post is and create 10 fictional user ids so they can make "not me" posts. This tactic was probably fine in 1984 but today's Internet users are far to savvy to fall for this. (In the spirit of full disclosure I don't know if this is how they would handle things or not, but that is what the ad implies.)
Posted by
6:07 PM
Labels:SEM,Automotive, Cars,Technology reputation management, SEM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Fun and Cheap Ways to Advertise w/ Social Networking
Traditional advertising is expensive, and not very engaging compared to all the neat things you could do with your dealerships (or companies) social network. Obviously the more established your social network the more effective the marketing will be, but even if you only have 3 or 4 local people on your friends list with the right offer (and a ingenuity) you could still sell a car or a few snow tires. Here are some ideas on specials and promotions.
Posted by
5:57 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Open Ended Questions and Your Dealership

Posted by
6:48 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Honda Creates Best Auto Commercial In Years
My guess is by now everyone has seen the Honda Rube Goldberg Commercial on YouTube. This commercial was so well done that Honda executives thought it was done with CGI when they first viewed it.

Posted by
8:48 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Socially Responsible Advertising- A New Spin?
2008 is the "Year of Change" according to just about every political analyst and CNN headline, so how are you going to change your marketing strategy for this year? Are you going to finally break into the blogosphere? Maybe try a little Facebook action? Or are you looking for something new and cutting edge such as Video Ads on Youtube?
No matter what your new medium is perhaps its time to fully embrace socially responsible Advertising - or advertising specials that not only benefit the customers you are trying to bring in to your dealership but the world as a whole. Social networking made great leaps last year in unifying the world as one large global community and companies like Apple and Hallmark have not only embraced the idea of socially responsible advertising but they have made it pretty darn cool.
Companies who embrace major fund raising events is not a new idea, after all we were all right there when Oprah when shopping for the first (Product Red) Ipod and have sat through countless Jerry's Kids telethons. With the majority of new car being purchased by younger, more socially conscious people, especially women, these sales tactics (when deployed properly) are having a powerful impact on sales figures.
For instance one dealership that I know of ran a special all last year that for every new car that was sold of a particular make and model (that they usually have trouble moving in their area) they would write a check for 1% of the sale price to the local orphanage. They included this message at the end of every radio, tv and newspaper ad as well as having a huge sign out in front of their store. The results were pretty impressive, they 8 sold more of that particular type of vehicle then they had the year before. While 8 car sales doesn't seem to be a huge deal in the grand scheme of things that is still a nice boost. What if they had run that special on all new cars? Or run it at the same time they ran an ad offering to send 100.00 to Green Peace for each used car they sold?
Have you ever tried a sale like this? Was it successful? Do you have plans like this for 2008?
Posted by
10:35 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
2008 Predictions For Auto Dealerships
Happy New Years!
Let's kick this year off right with a few goals, a few predictions and whole lot of fun. I am now fully back from a fantastic holiday vacation in my not so exotic living room and I am ready to get us started on our next Journey.
First let's start with with an update. As some of you probably already know I have entered the Myspace/Facebook, Stumble Frey. So far my only friends are a dealership and Barbara Walters.. I am not sure what that really says about me but I am afraid to explore it to deeply lol. In that vein my goals this year are pretty simple:
A. Master Twitter
B. Post at least once a week even if it's just an update on new models you should be including in your SEO/SEM campaigns.
C. Share my pitfalls in the worlds of Myspace/Facebook/SEM
D. Keep you up to date on all the fun new ways to increase your websites traffic and help you sell cars.
What do I see as being hot this year?
Video Media will be huge in 2008. The most successful video marketing strategies will combine catchy ads with Americas Funnies Home Videos for an "organic" feel with mass appeal. This is the year to really showcase your dealerships "personality". An effective video marketing strategy combined with Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and blogging will really help to take your online presence to the next level.
I also think that mobile media is going to start playing a more important role in SEM/SEO website designs especially if Google wins their with the FCC and releases Android.
This is shaping up to be an exciting year in SEM/SEO but all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl so check out Code Monkey if you haven't yet.There is also a World of Warcraft Video that is wicked funny. I think I will go buy my husband one of the T-shirts (he is a code monkey too) for all his help in QA'ing my blog posts.
Posted by
11:45 AM